2024 AABC Annual Meeting: President’s Message

2024 AABC Annual Meeting: President’s Message2024-10-25T09:33:39-05:00
Doug Meacham as a part of the AABC Technician Committee
Dear AABC Members:

We had a wonderful time celebrating the 59th AABC Annual Meeting in October at the amazing Hyatt Lost Pines Resort just outside Austin, Texas. Just under 200 attendees gathered for the event, including representatives from 84 U.S. companies, one Canadian company, and one international company.

At this year’s Annual Meeting, Gaylon Richardson completed his term as AABC President and 10 years of service on the AABC Board of Directors. He has been a strong leader for this organization and we are so grateful for his many contributions, which include spearheading the development of multiple editions of the National Standards for Total System Balance, working with ASHRAE to include AABC in industry-wide conversations, and developing training content for the AABC-endorsed EAB training center in Houston. Gaylon’s extensive knowledge of and passion for the industry and his constant drive for improvement have made him an incredible asset to AABC, and I am thankful to have had the opportunity to serve with him on the Board. We wish him all the best in his retirement.

This year, we also congratulate the families and coworkers of Walter H. Green and Charles E. “Chuck” Fant, III, of Environmental Test & Balance Co. in Memphis, Tennessee, who are the most recent historical inductees to the AABC Hall of Fame. The two collaborated on the development and implementation of the certified technician exam, maintaining and updating the test regularly and grading more than 300 exams by hand from 1989 to 2002. It was an honor to recognize their contributions at the Annual Meeting and to present their Hall of Fame plaques to their Environmental Test & Balance family.

If you were not able to attend this year’s meeting, you can go to your AABC member portal to watch recordings of the excellent educational programming shared by our expert speakers. Topics covered include relative humidity levels in operating rooms, the impact of pressure on building systems performance, field leadership & management, change orders, and more. As always, I learned a lot from our speakers and hope that you take advantage of this educational opportunity.

Looking to the future, I am excited about the work our committees are doing and the new programs that AABC has in development. We will continue work on the new Critical Environments Certification Council (CECC), which will include new certifications, including a Fume Hood Certification, training manuals, and more. As we build this and other projects, we are always looking for volunteers to participate in committee work. If you’re interested in being a part of these exciting developments, please let us know.

Our committee volunteers and each of our member companies work hard every day to uphold the mission and vision of AABC, and this association will continue to thrive only if we all work together and support each other. The Board is here for you — please do not hesitate to come to me and other Board members with questions or issues that may arise. It is an honor to be your next AABC President, and I look forward to all that we will accomplish together in the coming years.

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