Task Force Focuses on Building Readiness
A group of national experts assembled by ASHRAE included the Associated Air Balance Council’s (AABC’s) Justin Garner P.E., CxA, TBE, Engineered Air Balance. The Building Readiness Report produced by the group provides essential information for building operations during a time of pandemic.
In addition, several members of AABC affiliate group the AABC Commissioning Group (ACG) and Certified Commissioning Authorities (CxAs) from their ranks participated. ACG contributors to the effort include, Wade Conlan, P.E., CxA, (Chair) Hanson Professional Services, Garner, and Troy Byers, P.E., CxA, Commissioning Consultants, LLP (ACG President),
The Building Readiness content is meant to provide practical information and checklists for how a building should be operating and how to practically check its operation. The document provides practical guidance on operating buildings systems during the various Epidemic periods and is available free to the public.