AABC TAB Talk Webinar on the future of TAB (June 23)

AABC TAB Talk Webinar on the future of TAB (June 23)

Join AABC Members Brian Venn, TBE, CxA, Mechanical Testing, Inc. and Jeremy Johnson, TBE, CxA, American Testing, Inc. as well as Terry Seery, PE, RF Peck and Peter Cailloux, PE, CFR Engineering as they discuss the future of testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB).

“Test and Balance can be defined as the Art of Displacing Pressures,” said longtime AABC Member and co-presenter Brian Venn, TBE, CxA, Mechanical Testing, Inc. “And proper test and balance helps ensure that installed equipment and systems function the way they are supposed to.”

“As long as Building Owners want their HVAC Systems to operate in accordance with the Consulting Engineers design intent, as it relates to proper operation and energy efficiency, Testing and Balancing will play a critical role in Commercial Building Construction,” said co-presenter Terry Seery, PE, RF Peck.

Who Should Attend?
  • Commissioning Providers
  • HVAC Testing Professionals
  • MEP Engineers
  • Energy Managers
  • Building Owners
  • Facility Managers
  • O&M Managers
  • Architects
  • Other Building Professionals

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain necessity for field calibrations
  • Explain baseline building conditions
  • Recognize the importance of baselining equipment to use only a minimum amount of brake horsepower to achieve full volume.
  • Identify how to comply with ASHRAE 90.1 and ASHRAE 60.1 for energy and ventilation yet creating a sustainable building.

Approved for 1 AIA LU. Sponsored by TSI, Inc. Registration is FREE to AABC, ACG and EMA members. Only $39 to non-members.




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