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Fire Smoke Damper Testing and Fire Life Safety System Maintenance at Your Facility

An important component to maintaining fire life safety (FLS) systems are fire smoke dampers (FSDs), Smoke Dampers, (SDs), and fire dampers (FDs) which are located at duct penetrations through fire rated assemblies such as walls, ceilings, and floors.

At critical healthcare facilities, testing these components is routinely enforced. AHJs have been broadening enforcement efforts to all types of sites, including assisted living and acute care facilities with directions to identify, test, and document the functional operation of these devices.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss changes in enforcement for different types of facilities
  • Review typical fire life safety agreement services and periodic requirements. Identify what maybe missing from your maintenance agreements
  • Discuss why damper and fire alarm relay devices need to be regularly tested using project examples
  • Identify best practices in setup, ongoing maintenance testing, access, and record documentation

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May 18 2022


2:00 pm


  • John Herboth
    John Herboth
    Sr. Commissioning Authority, NorthWest Engineering Service, Inc. (NWESI)

    John Herboth is a Sr. Commissioning Project Manager at NorthWest Engineering Service, Inc. (NWESI) with 14 years of experience in building commissioning in the healthcare facilities. He believes that sharing project successes, failures, and best practices is a professional duty.

  • Larry Felker
    Larry Felker

    Larry Felker is a mechanical engineer and fire and smoke product manager for Belimo Americas. He has specialized in actuators and dampers for 25 years and is co-author of Dampers and Airflow Control, ASHRAE Special Publications. He is a member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), International Code Council (ICC), and a Life Member of ASHRAE, where he serves on TC5.6, Control of Fire and Smoke.

  • Troy Byers
    Troy Byers
    CxA, President, Byers LLP

    Troy Byers is a Consulting Engineer with over 25 years of experience in TAB and Cx. Training and serving aboard nuclear powered submarines led to a passion toward not only mechanical engineering, but also life safety systems.

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