Memorandum of Understanding ASHRAE and AABC/ACG/EMA

Memorandum of Understanding ASHRAE and AABC/ACG/EMA2023-06-08T07:38:45-05:00

Memorandum of Understanding

View the Signed Document

Download the PDF version signed by all parties.
Founded in 1894, ASHRAE, Atlanta, Georgia serves humanity by advancing the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, refrigeration and their allied fields. The ASHRAE vision is a healthy and sustainable built environment for all.
Founded in 1965, the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) establishes industry standards for total system balance of building environments, and is the only Association that exclusively certifies independent agencies. Members receive certification, technical training, continuing education, marketing, business resources, professional networking, and industry advocacy.
The AABC Commissioning Group (ACG), founded in 2005, and the Energy Management Association (EMA), founded in 2014, promote independent, third party, building systems commissioning and energy management services by providing members with industry leading certification, technical guidelines, education, training, advocacy, and networking opportunities.

ASHRAE and AABC, ACG, and EMA agree to support the Memorandum of Understanding to advance and promote the mutual interests of their respective members. We are committed to working together on the following activities and goals:

Note: When necessary or convenient to reference collectively,  AABC,  ACG and EMA — which are interrelated organizations with common management staff — will be referred to as “the Groups” for the remainder of this document.

consistent leadership communication

Recognizing the importance of communication in organizational collaboration, both organizations commit to hold a liaison meeting annually (either in person or via conference call) of designated ASHRAE / AABC / ACG / EMA senior representatives to:
ASHRAE and AABC / ACG / EMA shall take responsibility for initiating the first annual liaison meeting. Action items with assigned responsibilities shall be recorded at each meeting. The parties responsible for ensuring this MOU is actively pursued through the term of the agreement are:


Jeff Littleton

Executive Vice President, ASHRAE


Raymond Bert

Executive Director, AABC & ACG

conferences and meetings

Each organization agrees to provide the other with a meeting invitation and two complimentary VIP registrations to the primary annual meeting.
ASHRAE and the GROUPS agree to explore opportunities to provide speakers at the other organization’s meetings to help provide updates and perspectives on technologies and trends of mutual interest.
Where mutually beneficial, each organization shall help publicize the other organization’s meetings and promote attendance.


Where mutually beneficial and to the extent allowed by laws and corporate policies, ASHRAE and the GROUPS agree to work together on common public affairs goals and ideologies. During annual liaison meetings, public affairs strategies will be discussed and common goals identified. Collaborative opportunities to be considered include:


Recognizing that electronic and print publications are a primary means of disseminating new technologies, trends and practices, ASHRAE and the GROUPS agree to:


As leading providers of conventional and online educational services and in recognition of the vital role professional development has for our respective members, ASHRAE and the GROUPS agree to:

technical activities coordination

ASHRAE and the GROUPS agree to foster technical cooperation in areas of common interest by:


Recognizing the importance research plays in accelerating the transformation to a more sustainable built environment, ASHRAE and the GROUPS agree to:


Either party may terminate this MOU, with or without stated cause, upon providing the other party with thirty (30) days written notice of intent to terminate.


The term of this Memorandum of Understanding shall begin when signed by both parties and shall terminate at the end of three (3) years unless extended at that time by written agreement.

legal standing

This MOU reflects a commitment by ASHRAE and the GROUPSto continue and enhance their working relationship and individual efforts toward achieving mutual objectives described above. It does not create a binding obligation or agreement between the two organizations, and neither organization has an obligation to negotiate toward or enter into a binding written agreement. In addition, this MOU does not create a partnership, joint venture, fiduciary relationship or similar relationship between ASHRAE and the GROUPS. Furthermore, it is understood that this Memorandum of Understanding is conceived as a dynamic document, meant to change as circumstances and priorities warrant. It may be modified or amended by written agreement between both organizations.
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