TAB & Cx Seminar Program​

TAB & Cx Seminar Program

Technical presentations are approved for the following CEUs: AIA (LU), USGBC LEED General Education CE, CxA, EMP CE, and AABC (TBE & TBT) CE.

Project Approach as a Cx Value Proposition

Justin Lewis, TBE, CxA, Pangea Consulting Group, Inc. 

How commissioning providers can utilize their experience and perspective to provide added value to the construction process. Commissioning and TAB professionals are unique in the fact that they need to be extremely knowledgeable in a variety of disciplines, codes, and best practices. By outlining the difference between process and task management, commissioning providers can help streamline project closeout.

  • Identifying scope gap
  • How Cx can fill the void
  • Defining the goals
  • Developing a strategy

A Tale of Two Fume Hoods

Blake Stutts, TBE, CxA, Energy Testing & Balance, Inc.

116 hoods designed for 75 FPM face velocity. Floor-mount hoods are mechanically sized for requirements of a vertical sash type floor-mount BOD (terminal device, airflow, ductwork). Actual of two of these floor-mount hoods are horizontal sash, 72″ at the height and 40″ wide. Design airflow could not maintain 75 FPM with the large opening. Research found not only is manufacturer design 100 FPM at 700 CFM more than design, the BOD in the lab equipment schedule (B drawings) mis-labeled these two hoods with criteria for vertical-sash type. Ductwork, device, and lab performance limitation challenges overlapped to provide safe hood operation.

Learning objectives:

  • Review of equipment design and integration with OPR and intent.
  • Comprehensive communication between field, design, and owner team members.
  • Understanding and acknowledging all equipment limitations when modifying integrated and installed lab equipment.
  • Ensuring an intuitive and functional laboratory with consideration to Safety, Pressure, and Temperature control. (In that order).

Healthcare Facility Compliance 2.0

Cody Shook, PE, TBE, CxA, Precision Flow Engineering
Jeremy Johnson, TBE, CxA, American Testing, Inc.

Hospitals, surgery centers, and other healthcare facilities are unique in that they may require the services of a AABC TAB agency throughout the life of the building. Keeping a AABC TAB firm on retainer helps these institutions be proactive when preparing for inspections and staying ahead of ever changing and more stringent compliance standards for their critical spaces.


Learning objectives:

  • Establishing a relationship with the owner before, during, and after construction.
  • Going above and beyond the typical TAB specification when it comes to healthcare facilities.
  • Demonstrate how AABC independence and AABC standards are used to achieve the most sustainable and problem-free HVAC environment for owners
  • Discuss the importance of the TAB/Controls relationship and how important it is for TAB to have the proper access to the full building automation system (BAS) to give the owner a properly balanced building
  • Know what is important when creating final reports for critical space compliance and the best ways to summarize and represent this data
Mike Kelly delivers a presentation with AHR in association with AABC

Commissioning and Balancing Small Tonnage rooftops less than 25 Tons

Ron Ballard, American Testing, Inc.
Mike Kelly, TBE, CxA American Testing, Inc.

The objective of the presentation is to identify the different types of unit configurations of RTU’s and the procedures for configuring and testing these RTU’s. Provide (3) case studies from different manufacturers and show procedures and results from testing of these units.

  1. Identifying configurations of Rtu’s (unit type, fan type, economizer control components, unit control components, display configuration if in place.
  2. Configuring units for testing and commissioning,
  3. Procedures for testing and commissioning of units.
  4. Discuss resources available for support from manufacturers for testing.

Monitor Flow and Velocity for Successful Piping Flush

Robert Kolnes, TBE, CxA, TABITT
Jonathan Straniero, CxA, BCC Management

All too often within the construction phase of a project, the flushing of hydronic systems is scheduled to be performed, albeit without sufficient detail being provided within its project manual. Specifications generally leave interpretation to the contract professional and who’s to know better than the mechanical contractor’s chemical treatment company? A Commissioning Provider firm, with ability to serve as a design team member, can become a contributing member to the contractor’s team by working with the mechanical contractor in developing and initiating a thorough flushing plan.

Our case study highlights extreme elements in the remediation of chilled and heating hot water piping systems, providing for efficient operation of a newly constructed central plant cooling and heating delivery systems through to renovated air handling systems.

Here are some common pitfalls:

  • The flush pump, usually house pump, is not sized adequately for the volumetric flow necessary to achieve >5fps throughout mains and branch piping
  • The flush pump is not operating at sufficient speed during the flushing procedure, a process of monitoring to ensure variable speed drives are not adjusted
  • Various valves within the system were never opened
  • Strainers became clogged in the middle of the process and the contractor is not inspecting the system to identify which strainers require spot-cleaning during the process
  • Too many uncontrolled coil bypass pipes resulting in short circuit of flow, specifically where bypass pipe is equivalent to coil size piping
  • Air entrapment within piping systems leading to potential air lock across sections of the hydronic flush loop

Air Density and its Effects on Building Pressure

Paul Hoitink, Air Movement Services Ltd.

Exploring the science behind air density. How air density and temperature interact with one another. Showing and providing real life examples of how air density can cause building pressure problems if not taken into account. Explain our methods to mitigate these issues through air balancing to insure this problem doesn’t have an effect on building pressure.

Learning objectives:

  • Understanding the science behind temperature and density
  • Learn methods of determining what is causing a building pressure problem.
  • Identify when density may be the cause of building pressure problems.
  • Methods of balancing to correct pressure problems caused by density.
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