The Blueprint: ASHRAE Epidemic Taskforce’s Troy Byers

The Blueprint: ASHRAE Epidemic Taskforce’s Troy Byers

The editors of Engineered Systems (ES) recently interviewed AABC Member Troy Byers, P.E., TBE, CxA, Palmetto Air & Water Balance in the The Blueprint — a monthly Q&A interview with HVACR engineering’s leading voices.
Troy Byers, P.E., TBE, CxA is the partner of Palmetto Air & Water Balance, member of the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC), Board President of the AABC Commissioning Group (ACG), and a member of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force.
In this interview, Troy shares his perspective on the role of commissioning; energy management; and testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) within the context of COVID and the built environment. He discusses the recently completed ACG’s strategic planning session (virtually), which resulted in some definable goals for the next three years and also a defined mission statement, which really answers the question best. Lastly, Troy refers to the “Authorities in Building Performance,” and further explains how AABC, and by extension its membership, benefits greatly through its affiliation with the ACG and the Energy Management Association (EMA).
Click here to read the full ES Blueprint interview.
By |2023-06-09T07:18:11-05:00September 12th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Blueprint: ASHRAE Epidemic Taskforce’s Troy Byers

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Anna Kosova
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