Preventive Medicine—Commissioning for a Healthy & Safe Building

safe building

Preventive Medicine—Commissioning for a Healthy & Safe Building


Using the various phases of the commissioning process, i.e. design, construction, start-up, and final occupancy, we will review what the Project Construction Team, (TAB, Commissioning Agent, Contractors, Engineer and Architect) might look for during those times. Recommendations and/or requirements from the various entities governing Healthy and Safe buildings will be included as well as issues surrounding the transmission of disease and the short/long term effects of exposure to various atmospheric contaminants such as mold/mildew, pollen, dust, smoke, and VOCs.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explaining the process and intent of mitigating Disease Spread (Not just COVID 19) within Bldgs
  2. Environmental Systems and how they are the frontline to controlling VOC’s, Wildfire Smoke among other contaminants.
  3. Minimizing Exposures during construction, TAB, Cx and acceptance testing processes
  4. Principles behind “Building Flush” and possibilities to “Flush” beyond initial building acceptance due to atmospheric contaminants are always occurring.

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Jun 26 2024


2:00 pm


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